• [案例201512-01] 3台20KVA Agil UPS成功安装在位于宜昌的中国电信机房
    [Sales Case 201512-01] 3units 20KVA Agil UPS have been installed into IT room of China Telecom Yichang

    Location: China Telecom, Yichang
    产品: Agil UPS +/- 204VDC 380VAC 三相输入,380VAC 三相输出,  3U高度
    Product: Agil UPS +/- 204VDC 380VAC 3P input,380VAC 3P output, 3U
    Qty: 3
    备注:3台Agil UPS安装到已有的Agil系统机柜中,将原有的120KVA系统升级到180KVA
    Remark: 3 units Agl UPS have been installed into existing Agil system, it was upgraded from 120KVA to 180KVA

    2015年12月,通过在华中地区的合伙伴销售,西伊加梯电源的3台Agil 模块化UPS安装到宜昌中国电信的机房中,将原来的Agil 系统机柜,升级到180KVA。
    Dec, 2015, 3 units Agil modular UPS from CE-T Power have been installed into existing AgiI system in IT room of China Telecom, Yichang. The existing Agil system has been upgraded from 120KVA to 180KVA.

    原有的120KVA Agil 系统机柜是2015年第一季度安装的。配置为2个机柜,一个机柜包含手动旁路开关(MBP)和图形显示监控单元(GUI),另一个机柜包含6个20KVA Agil模块化UPS和1个智能旁路开关(SBP)。按照客户的要求,配置了前门和防尘网。
    Existing 120KVA Agil system was installed in Q1 of 2015. The configuration is 2 pcs cabinets, one cabinet includes Manual Bypass (MBP) and GUI, another cabinet includes 6 units Agil module and 1 Smart Bypass (SBP). We added front door with dustproof net according to customer’s requirement.
    China Telecom Yichang is old customer of CE+T. CE+T old generation product RDI and DCI are still working well in same IT room.